Avocado Bliss Balls


  • 1 cup of almonds (toasted).
  • 2 lemons.
  • 1 ripe avocado.
  • 12 dates.
  • 1 cup pitted prunes.
  • 1 cup of desiccated coconut.
  • 1 cup coconut thread (toasted) to coat the bliss balls once rolled into a ball.


  • Toast almonds and pulse to meal consistency.
  • Grate the rind of two lemons.
  • Mash the ripe avocado and add one teaspoon of lemon juice together until smooth.
  • Pulse the dates, prunes, and lemon rind together.
  • Add the mixtures together and roll them into small balls.
  • Coat each ball with toasted coconut threads and enjoy!
  • This recipe makes 50 small balls so half the recipe if you would like less, or the bliss balls will keep for a week in the fridge.


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